DOOMGILS: Character Design for Fortnite Concept Royale Competition 2022
This character design is something I had a TON of fun with. Epic Games tasked players of their incredibly popular game, Fortnite, with creating characters for their yearly event, and the winner's creation will be turned into a playable character in October. I love the aesthetics of both robotics and sea monsters (namely the Creature from the Black Lagoon) so I combined them to form this goofy yet deadly horror!
I Think You Should Leave Character Sketches
I Think You Should Leave is my favorite sketch comedy show. So many of the sketches begin as seemingly ordinary and relatable situations but then quickly devolve into hilarious chaos. For these drawings I chose to depict characters from some of my favorite sketches, accompanied by an out-of-context quote from the bit. 
Holy Crocodile, Batman!
This is one of my favorite pieces. I am a big fan of the campy, colorful version of Batman that Adam West brought to television in the 1960s. I tend to use very loud colors in my artwork and I thought it would be fun to play up these elements together in a composition. Additionally, I worked in a sense of urgency by creating a great difference in scale between Batman and the assailing mouth, along with keeping the entire grappling gun in view. Will Batman escape the jaws of Killer Croc?!
Another huge inspiration for me is music. For this particular piece, I was inspired by the song Camouflage by The Front Bottoms. Instead of my typical illustrative approach, I decided to create a digital poster. Because of the lyrics I wanted to focus on, "Sour but I think I like it" - I knew I wanted to use a lemon as the focal point. I found the image of the lemon in a shopping cart (courtesy of shvets-production on Pexels) and that felt very evocative of the song. I also wanted to incorporate more of the song into the piece as texture, so I duplicated the chorus to fill the entire background. 
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